Family Group Conferences
A Family Group Conference (FGC) is a meeting organised for families, to discuss and make decisions about a child or young person’s care. The meeting is arranged by an independent and neutral FGC Coordinator, who will discuss and agree arrangements with the wider family network.
Family Group Conferences help families to come together to discuss issues and make a plan that will address concerns and benefit the family. They are effectively used within Children's Social Care at all stages, from Early Help, Child in Need, Child Protection, Public Law Outline (PLO) and permanency planning.
A range of issues might be discussed at a FGC, including: safeguarding, substance misuse, domestic abuse and domestic violence, neglect, abuse, exploitation outside of the home - criminal or sexual, violence and safety outside of the home and mental health.
Feedback from many families suggests that the process can help family networks to feel empowered as they use their relationships and knowledge to make safe plans for their family. Through encouraging a family to address their own issues and create an informal network of support, it aims to build resilience and strengthen relationships. The process can also help to encourage more links within the community.
Check out these short videos to find out more about how FGCs work​
Make a referral for a family ​
If a family is already supported by a social worker, the social worker should make a referral for a Family Group Conference. This referral should be made on Mosaic.
If a family does not currently receive support from Children's Social Care, a referral can be made by contacting Lambeth Community Early Help.
COVID-19 Update
Children's Social Care continues to offer Family Group Conferences - moving them online where possible.
Resources & Support

Contact for support and advice
For guidance and advice about Family Group Conferences, please contact
Janet Gayle-Scarlett
Lead Family Group Conference Coordinator
Working days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday