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LSCP Training Programme

Click on the links below to find out about the training courses we currently offer. For information about what the Training Level means, click here. 

Online Safeguarding Training - Level 1


Trauma-informed Practice - Level 3

Working with families with no recourse to public funds - Level 3

Safeguarding Essentials for Managers - Level 4

Professional Curiosity: Working with Race, Culture & Belief Systems 

Understanding Impact of Childhood & Adolescent Neglect - Level 3​

Introduction to Safeguarding Children - Level 1 (Download)

Understanding Contextual Harm - Level 3

Substance Misuse and Sexual Health Workshop - Level 3

Domestic Abuse and its impact on children -
Level 3

County Lines -
Applied Theatre Play

Fabricated & Induced Illness - Level 3

Online Unconscious Bias Training - Level 1


Train the Trainer


Reflective Supervision for Safeguarding Managers - Level 4

Safer Recruitment
- Level 4

Chelsea's Story -
Applied Theatre Play
​ -

Working with survivors of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - Level 3

Multi-agency Safeguarding Training - Level 3

Radicalisation &  Extremism - Level 3

Parental substance misuse workshop

Social Media and Online Gaming Safety

Pre-birth Safeguarding Training - Level 3

Unconscious Bias Training - Level 3

Online Level 1 Safeguarding Training




Who? All people working with or who have contact with children and young people


Why? To ensure adults are equipped to carry out their safeguarding responsibilities effectively


What? The course is split over two parts: 


Part 1 

Module 1: Safeguarding Children Background and the Law Online - 10 Minutes

Module 2: Child Abuse Awareness Online – 20 Minutes

Module 3: Recognising Abuse and Neglect Online – 30 Minutes


Part 2 

Module 4: If You Have Concern Online - 20 minutes

Module 5: Responding to a Disclosure - What You Should Do Online - 20 Minutes


How? The training is online and free.


When? Anytime that suits you!

Online Level 1 SG Training

Download:  Level 1 Introduction to Safeguarding Children




Who? All people working with or who have contact with children and young people, including volunteers who may come in contact with children, their families or vulnerable adults


Why? To ensure adults are equipped to carry out their safeguarding responsibilities effectively


What? A presentation that can be delivered by a Safeguarding Lead or Manager


How? Simply download and use the training 


When? Anytime that suits you!

Download L1 Intro Training

Online Level 1 Unconscious Bias Training




Who? This course is intended for staff who work in all sectors.


Why? To provides information and advice to help employees become more aware of their own unconscious biases, as well as for employers to minimise unconscious bias in the workplace.


What? By the end of the short training, participants should: 

  • Understand how to be more in control of their own unconscious biases

  • Be able to identify bias and consider the effects on yourself and others

  • Know the different types of unconscious bias

  • Identify ways to reduce unconscious bias, including in the workplace

  • Understand the legislation surrounding unconscious bias


How? 30 minute online training


When? Anytime that suits you!

Unconcious bias

Multi-agency Safeguarding Training (Level 3)


Who? Professionals who work directly with children and young people in Lambeth. For example, paediatricians, GPs, youth workers, Early Years workers, residential staff, midwives, school nurses, health visitors, sexual health staff, teachers, probation staff, sports club welfare officers, and those those working with adults in, for example, learning disability, mental health, alcohol and drug misuse services.


Why? To enable delegates to develop knowledge and skills in multi-agency working to safeguard children and promote their welfare.


What? The course will help you develop your understanding of:

  • Relevant legislation, key terms and processes

  • Lambeth Thresholds: Tiers of need, assessment and referral processes 

  • Protocols for information sharing

  • Roles and responsibilities across multi-agency network

  • Learning points from Serious Case and Practice Reviews

  • How to safeguard yourself



Online training: A four and a half hour training, split over two online sessions delivered by an LSCP Trainer and Front-line professionals from Lambeth Children's Social Care. Some independent study necessary.


When online? Session 1: 10am-12:30pm, Session 2: 1:30-3:30pm

11 November or 9 December


Understanding Contextual Harm (Level 3)


Who? Professionals who work directly with children and young people in Lambeth - or their parents and carers. 


Why? To give delegates the confidence, knowledge and skills to spot and tackle the signs that a young person may be at risk of harm, including from going missing, and sexual and criminal exploitation.


What? The course will help you develop your understanding of:

  • Relevant legislation, key terms and safeguarding processes

  • How to use the Lambeth Child Sexual Exploitation Matrix

  • The signs that may indicate a young person is at risk of exploitation or going missing

  • How to manage a situation when a child or young person has gone missing from home or care

  • How to manage a disclosure about exploitation

  • The vulnerability indicators for children who are at risk of exploitation 

  • Key lessons from local and national serious case reviews 

  • Who to contact for help and advice if you are worried about a child 


How? A two hour online training delivered by an LSCP Trainer


When? 10am-12pm on Tuesday 10 November

Understanding Contextual Harm
Prevent Training


Safeguarding Children At Risk of Extremism and Radicalisation (Level 3) 


Who? Professionals who work directly with children and young people in Lambeth - or their parents and carers. 


Why? To enable delegates to develop the knowledge and confidence to spot and tackle signs that a young person may be at risk of radicalisation and extremism.


What? The course will help you develop your understanding of: 

  • The concepts of “radicalisation”, “extremism” and “extreme views”

  • The Prevent Duty and what this means

  • What CHANNEL is and how to refer cases

  • The signs that may indicate a child is being radicalised

  • How the internet is used as a channel to promote and engage children and in the extreme cases, radicalising them.

  • The vulnerability indicators for children who are at risk of radicalisation

  • Key lessons from local and national cases and serious case reviews 

  • Who to contact for help and advice if you are worried about a child


How? A two hour online training delivered by Lambeth's Prevent Programme Manager and Education Officer


When? 10am-12pm on Tuesday, 10 November


Safer Recruitment (Level 4​)


Who? Professionals in Lambeth responsible for, or involved in, the recruitment process where the candidates will be working with children. 


Why? To enable delegates to develop the knowledge and confidence to embed safer recruitment practices within their organisations.


What? The course will help you develop your understanding of: 

  • Recent and relevant serious case reviews involving professional perpetrators

  • Safer recruitment and the wider context of safeguarding

  • The prevalence of abuse and profile of abusers

  • How abusers operate within organisations

  • The features of a safer recruitment process

  • How to plan a safer recruitment process 

  • The right decisions for interview and selection

  • How to set establish and maintain a safeguarding culture in your organisation


How? A two hour online training delivered by an accredited Safer Recruitment trainer


When? 10:30-12:30pm, Thursday, 5 November

Safer Recruitment
LADO training

Safeguarding Essentials for Managers​ (Level 4)


Who? Professionals who manage staff in services that work directly with children and young people in Lambeth. 


Why? To empower delegates with the knowledge and skills to safely recruit, train and support their staff to ensure that the children and young people they work with are safeguarded. 


What? The course will help you develop your understanding of: 

  • Safer Recruitment

  • Writing and updating Safeguarding Policies

  • How to manage and report allegations against any staff member or volunteer who works with children and young people

  • How to ensure your staff are trained in Safeguarding best practice


How? A two hour online training delivered by the Lambeth Safeguarding Children Training Manager and Lambeth's Designated Safeguarding Officer


When? 10:30am-12:30pm on Thursday, 22 October

Childhood and

Adolescent Neglect​ (Level 3)


Who? Professionals who work directly with children and young people in Lambeth.


Why? More young people in England aged 11-17 have a Child Protection Plan because of neglect than for any other officially-recognised forms of maltreatment. This multi-disciplinary course offers practitioners an opportunity to explore their role in identifying and intervening when there are concerns about neglect.  


What? By the end of the course, participants will be able to;

  • Identify the signs and indicators of neglect

  • Recognise how values and beliefs may influence working with neglect    

  • Outline current legislation and guidance governing a multi-agency response to neglect    

  • Recognise the potential blocks to effective engagement with families where neglect is a concern        

  • Develop strategies for working in a multi-agency context to achieve positive outcomes for children and families    

  • Identify models of good practice for early intervention to prevent long-term harm to children living with neglectful carers.        


How? A online training delivered by Independent NSPCC-Accredited Trainers


When? 10am-3:30pm on Friday, 23 October



County Lines - Applied Theatre Play


Who? Professionals who work directly with children and young people in Lambeth.


Why? Meet Dex. He’s a nice guy. He’ll offer you money. He’ll offer you drugs. He’ll be generous. He’ll make you feel important. He’ll make you feel part of something. He’ll make your life exciting. He’ll do whatever it takes to get you working for him & his mates… and when you do…


Meet Dex. He’s a scary guy. He’ll say you owe him money. He’ll make you deal drugs & move packages. He’ll blackmail you. He’ll be violent. He’ll make you terrified. He’ll threaten your family. He’ll turn your life upside down. He’ll do whatever it takes to keep you working for him & his mates… & he’s good at it!


What?   A theatre play to raise awareness and explore:

  • County Lines - how to recognise the warning signs and how they affect young people

  • The grooming process how it can apply to County Lines

  • The similarities and potential cross-overs between Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) & Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

  • Where to go for help and advice

  • The coercive process that young people may have been on that has resulted in them being criminally exploited – a journey that can all too easily make it seem as though they have ‘made their own choices’.


How? A 50 minute production and an actor led post-show talk


When? Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we've had to postpone. We'll hopefully have a new date soon. 

County Lines
Chelsea's story


Chelsea's Story - Applied Theatre Play


Who? Parents, carers, teachers, police and other professionals working with children & young people


Why? Chelsea’s Story follows three students who discover the diary of a girl called Chelsea.  Chelsea, a 15 year old girl, who, having fallen out with her family & friends, met a guy called Gary. Gary was kind, understanding, had a nice car, had his own flat and listened to her. Unfortunately, Gary was not all that he seemed to be. Chelsea’s story is played out and  examined by the three students who, along with their teacher, attempt to understand what happened to her.


What?   The play aims to  explore:

  • What makes a healthy relationship

  • Safe internet use and sexting

  • The grooming process, Child Sexual Exploitation & the differing methods that perpetrators can use

  • Where to go for help & advice

  • How to avoid victim blaming

  • The journey that young people may have been on that has resulted in them being exploited – a journey that can all too easily make it seem as though they have ‘made their own choices’ and can leave them not seeing themselves as victims and fighting against any intervention.


How? Production lasting for 60 minutes (including an actor led post-show talk)


When? Please check back soon for dates.

Trauma informed practice


Trauma-informed Practice for Frontline Practitioners (Level 3)


Who? This course is suitable for any front-line professional or manager of front-line staff working with survivors of domestic and sexual abuse.


Why? Trauma-informed care is increasingly being recognised as the best way to respond to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse, but what does this look like in practice? This full day training will look closely at how trauma impacts the body and the brain, and how you can recognise when someone is affected by this. You will learn practical strategies for sensitively responding to and engaging clients, as well as tools to effectively advocate for clients, communicate their risks and needs and improve multi-agency responses.



What? Participants will explore:  

  • Definitions and dynamics of trauma

  • Impacts of trauma on the body and brain

  • Practical tools for trauma informed practice

  • Communicating effectively the risks and needs of service users

  • Challenging difficult and unhelpful responses from other professionals

  • Encouraging professionals to use trauma informed practice


How? A four hour training delivered in two online sessions by Solace Women's Aid​


When? Session 1: 10am-12pm, Session 2: 1-3pm

on Tuesday, 17 November 


Pre-birth Safeguarding Training​ (Level 3)


Who? Social Workers and Health and other Professionals involved in undertaking pre-birth child and family assessments.


Why? Trauma informed care is increasingly being recognised as the best way to respond to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse, but what does this look like in practice? This full day training will look closely at how trauma impacts the body and the brain, and how you can recognise when someone is affected by this. You will learn practical strategies for sensitively responding to and engaging clients, as well as tools to effectively advocate for clients, communicate their risks and needs and improve multi-agency responses.



What? The training is split into two sessions:


Morning session - to enable Social Workers to:

  • Understand the criteria and time frame for pre-birth assessment 

  • Confidently approach families with empathy, compassion and creativity - using relationship-based systemic approach within pre-birth assessments

  • Remain balanced in judgment and to fully understand familial strengths and risks


Afternoon session - to enable all participants to: 

  • Understand services within Lambeth to support pre-birth assessments and interventions. This includes statutory and voluntary support services

  • Work together in small groups to assess case studies, consider threshold and actions that may be needed with particular situations

  • Consider professionals roles and responsibilities within pre-birth assessments


How? A full-day training for social workers, afternoon for other professionals


When? Please check back soon for dates.

Pre-birth Safegurding


Fabricated & Induced Illness (Level 3)​


Who? Front-line professionals working with children, young people and their families in Lambeth.


Why? Trauma informed care is increasingly being recognised as the best way to respond to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse, but what does this look like in practice? This full day training will look closely at how trauma impacts the body and the brain, and how you can recognise when someone is affected by this. You will learn practical strategies for sensitively responding to and engaging clients, as well as tools to effectively advocate for clients, communicate their risks and needs and improve multi-agency responses.


What? By the end of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand and apply the new The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health guidelines covering: 

    • Chronic neglect

    • Non-compliance

    • Over-pathologising 

  • Recognise ways that fabricated or induced illness present medically, ​socially, as well as in education and care

  • Identify the impact of fabricated or induced illness on children

  • Develop skills to build positive relationships with families

  • Recognise the health implications of fabricated or induced illness

  • Explore the national guidelines, including case management and impact on practitioners


How? A half-day training 


When? Please check back soon for dates.

Fabricated Induced Illness


Substance Misuse & Sexual Health Workshop (Level 3​)


Who? Front-line professionals working with children, young people and their families in Lambeth.


Why? The workshop will introduce participants to the Drugs, Alcohol and Sexual Health (DASH) service. Participants gain knowledge about substance misuse, sexual health, as well as DASH's interventions and how to refer cases, promoting cross-agency communication and multi-agency work. 


What? By the end of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Explain current drug and alcohol trends for young people in Lambeth

  • Recognise signs of substance or alcohol misuse in young people using DASH's screening tool

  • Deliver basic drug and alcohol awareness interventions and basic harm reduction advice

  • Explain different contraception options for young people and STI testing

  • Deliver basic health and well-being interventions following the Love Life programme

  • Deliver interventions targeted to increase awareness of healthy relationships and consent


How? A half-day training delivered live, online by the Drugs, Alcohol and Sexual Health (DASH) service


When? 10am-12:30pm on Thursday 15 October or 3 December

Sexual Health & Substance Misuse


Working with Survivors of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)(Level 3)​


Who? Front-line professionals working with children, young people and their families in Lambeth.


Why? Delivered by the Africa Advocacy Foundation, this course provides the opportunity for practitioners to develop their awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) within a child protection framework. The course will examine indicators that a person is at risk and what actions practitioners should take to prevent and intervene where they suspect that female genital mutilation is a concern. It will also raise participants' awareness of legislation (Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003) and national government guidelines. 


What? By the end of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Explain what constitutes FGM

  • Identify who practises FGM globally, nationally and in Lambeth

  • Explore reasons given for performing FGM and the impact it has on individuals

  • Recognise indicators that a woman/girl has had or is at risk of FGM

  • State the mandatory reporting duty that professionals have around FGM

  • Summarise current legislation around FGM

  • Respond appropriately to cases, including referring to the appropriate agencies


How? A two-hour training delivered live, online by the Africa Advocacy Foundation


When? Check back soon for dates



Working with Families with No Recourse to Public Funds (Level 3​)


Who? Front-line professionals working with children, young people and their families in Lambeth. 


Why?  Delivered by Lambeth Council's No Recourse to Public Funds Team, the sessions will enable participants to better understand the legislation and support available for families who may appear to be destitute (unable to access benefits, including social housing) due to their immigration status.


What? By the end of the session, participants will be able to: 

  • Explain the term 'no recourse to public funds', making links to Section 17 of the Children Act 1989

  • Explore differences in immigration legislation (for example, the Human rights Act) and state what these differences mean for families

  • Identify situations where practitioners will need to assess the family's needs, as well as the needs of the children

  • Explore services in Lambeth that are available for children and their families with no recourse to public funds


How? A two and a half hour training delivered online by Lambeth Council's No Recourse to Public Funds Team


When? 10am-12:30pm on Wednesday, 11 November

No rcourse to public funds


Reflective Supervision for Safeguarding Managers (Level 4)


Who? Safeguarding Managers and Leaders in Lambeth. 


Why?  To explore experiential, skills-based approaches to encourage reflective thinking in social work.


What? Over two days, participants will: 


Day 1: 

  • Consider what is meant by ‘reflective supervision’

  • Be introduced to key systemic ideas and concepts that support reflective thinking

  • Reflect on aspects of ‘self’ in order to gain a better understanding on how we position ourselves as supervisors in relation to our supervisees and the work – developing ‘self-reflexivity’

  • Explore the Milan model’s concepts of hypothesising, circularity and curiosity and their applicability to reflective supervision


Day 2: 

  • Consider how we encourage ‘relational risk taking’ and ‘relational reflexivity’ in the supervisory context in order to strengthen the supervisory relationship and model relationship-based practice

  • Consider Safe Uncertainty as a framework for supporting reflective practice when considering risk issues

  • Be able to utilise the questioning framework (Interventive Interviewing) in order for supervisors to promote reflexivity and change within the supervisory context.

  • Application of the Domains model in safeguarding settings as a way of integrating reflective thinking within safeguarding processes and responsibilities​



How? A two-day training delivered by Collective Space


When? Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we've had to postpone. We hope to be able to confirm the new dates soon.

Reflective Supervision


Domestic Abuse and its Impact on Children (Level 3​)


Who? Front-line professionals working with children, young people and their families in Lambeth. 


Why?  Domestic abuse can seriously harm children and young people and witnessing domestic abuse is child abuse.This course will help you examine the ways in which children and young people can experience domestic violence and abuse in the home, including signs to look for. You'll consider appropriate responses and barriers that exist to children and young people accessing support. The toxic and pervasive nature of coercive control will also be explored during this session. Legal definitions and current supporting theory will highlight how coercive control is experienced and perpetrated. Recent case studies will highlight the dangerous and insidious nature of this type of abuse alongside the potential early warning signs.    


What? By the end of the session, participants will: 

  • Understand the facts, myths and risk factors of sexual and domestic violence. 

  • Increase their understanding of domestic violence and abuse and its impact on children and young people.  

  • Feel empowered to promote a culture of understanding and empathy across the whole setting or community.  

  • Develop an understanding of the issues that can arise for young people as they begin to engage in intimate relationships

  • Understand the facts, myths and risk factors relating to coercive control. 

  • Be able to address these issues with children and young people and more effectively support children and families.   


How? A two and a half hour online training delivered by Tender


When? 10am-12:30pm on Thursday 12 November, or Wednesday 2 December

Domestic Abuse


Parental Substance Misuse Workshop


Who? Front-line professionals working with children, young people and their families in Lambeth. 


Why?  To increase awareness of parental substance misuse for Social Workers and other professionals supporting families and to promote multi-agency working between Children Social Care, other agencies and the Substance Misuse Team


What? By the end of the session, participants will: 

  • Have increased knowledge of drugs & alcohol and their physical and psychological effects    

  • Understand the difference between recreational, social, and binge pattern of use of substances and dependent use

  • Develop an understanding of the difference between detoxification and residential rehabilitation

  • Have an increased awareness of the models of intervention and treatment


How? A one and a half hour online training delivered by a Lambeth Practice Manager


When? 10:30am-12pm on Wednesday 4 November, or Thursday 10 December 

Parental Substance Misuse


Train the Trainer​


Who? Trainers in partnership agencies who deliver safeguarding training to those who work with children and young people in Lambeth. 


Why?  To develop trainers’ knowledge and skills in planning, delivering and evaluating their safeguarding and child protection training.


What? By the end of the session, participants will: 

  • Develop an awareness of the emotional element of safeguarding training and apply approaches to deal with these.

  • Identify and implement strategies relating to diversity and equality practices in training.

  • Explain the different learning styles and identify how your own way of learning may influence training

  • Identify and describe different training methods and decide on the suitability of each for your training session.

  • Produce learning objectives that meet the criteria of ‘behaviour, ‘condition’ and ‘standard’


How? A two and a half hour online training delivered by the LSCP Training & Development Manager


When? Check back soon for dates

Train the Trainer


Social Media and Online Gaming Safety


Who? Professionals who work directly with children and young people in Lambeth - or their parents and carers. 


Why?  The rise of technology and our reliance on the Internet has changed the world and the way we interact with each other. The impact for young people of being constantly “plugged-in” as they grow and develop is still to be discovered. There are many positive aspects of social media, but also many potential dangers for children and young people, particularly those in care. Gaming has evolved into a primary form of social activity for many young people, so it is important that they are advised on how to use these platforms safely. This course gives professionals, parents and carers the tools to both protect and educate the children in their care.


What? By the end of the session, participants will: 

  • Understand why Social Media and Gaming are so popular

  • Know what the risks of social media and gaming really are

  • Understand the advantages and what can be learnt from these platforms

  • Know how to support those addicted to gaming

  • Have strategies to keep children and young people safer when online

  • Know how to use Parental controls and explore the other tools and support agencies that are currently available


How? A two-hour online training delivered by Social Care Training Solutions


When? 10am-12pm on Wednesday, 21 October or Tuesday 3 November

or 1-3pm on Tuesday, 8 December

Social Media & Online Gaming


Working with Race, Culture and Belief Systems in the Context of Professional Curiosity


Who? Professionals who work directly with children and young people in Lambeth.


Why?  This course aims to enhance practitioners’ knowledge, skills and understanding of how race, culture and/or faith and belief systems can impact on our safeguarding children practice. The course will also focus on key learning from Serious Case Reviews, the roles and responsibilities of practitioners, the legal framework and how to identify risk factors.


What? By the end of the session, participants will: 

  • Describe the influence of one’s own and families’ race, culture, faith or beliefs on the parenting of children;

  • Display confidence in talking about their own and other people’s attitudes and beliefs – and how these might affect their judgment when providing services to children and families.

  • Demonstrate cultural competence and professional curiosity in these areas when leading or joining in assessments or offering any other services to children and their families.

  • List the key features of the legal framework related to key areas discussed and explore the base line for concern.

  • Outline the key local issues related to the course topics.


How? An online training delivered by Rahana Hussain, Independent Safeguarding and Child Protection Trainer


When? 9:30am-1pm on Wednesday 18 November

or Tuesday, 15 December

Prof Curiosity: Race, cultur, belief system


Unconscious Bias​


Who? Professionals who work directly with children and young people in Lambeth.


Why?  This course aims to enhance practitioners’ knowledge, and understanding of how race, culture and/or faith and belief systems can impact on our safeguarding children practice, and particularly on on the practical impact of unconscious bias on their roles and responsibilities.


What? By the end of the session, participants will: 

  • Have explored the concept of unconscious bias.

  • Understand the relationship between implicit association, unconscious bias, stereotypes and attitude

  • Have examined the impact of unconscious bias.

  • Consider the effects of unconscious bias as individuals and within your organisation


How? A five hour online training, with a break in between sessions


When? 10am-3pm on Thursday 19 November


Unconscious bias
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