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Professionals & Volunteers: Take Action

_edited.jpg is an online organisation that provides young people with a safe place to give information about crime - 100% anonymously. 

Visit their website to access useful and free resources for professionals   on issues such as county lines, weapons, sexual exploitation etc. 

Please share with your your agency and staff and use the resources for good practice.

Use the links below to help you make a referral to the right place.

Multi-agency Referral Hub

Make a safeguarding referral for any child or young person in Lambeth.

Allegations Against Staff or Volunteers

Guidance and contacts to help you manage and report allegations against staff or volunteers. 

Child Death Notification

Guidance and links to support you to notify the Child Death Overview Panel of a child death in Lambeth. 

Child Safeguarding Practice Review

Criteria and guidance for Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, along with a review referral form.

Dark Web resources

Developed by the NCA in collaboration with The Children’s Society and Marie Collins Foundation, you can find the Dark Web resources for practitioners, parents and carers by clicking on the link button below..

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