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Section 11 Self-assessment

If your organisation provides a service to children and/or young people, or comes into contact with them, you need to ensure you have effective arrangements in place to safeguard and promote their welfare. (Section 11 of the Children Act 2004)


Please use our online Section 11 Self-assessment Form (below) to reflect on your safeguarding arrangements, in particular to identify your areas of strength and how you can take action to develop practice.  

We use the information that you supply to monitor safeguarding arrangements across the borough. This allows us to identify areas of strength - which can be replicated. It also allows us to determine what resources or targeted support we can offer to address areas for development. This might include, for example, training courses. 


How to use the self-assessment form

The form is not designed to be a tick-box exercise. Instead, each section requires reflection about how your safeguarding arrangements are working well and what actions you could take to make them work even better.


If you do not complete the form in one sitting, you have two options: you can keep your browser open and return to it later; or you can submit the incomplete form and edit it after submission. When you press 'submit' you will be emailed a copy of your responses. If you would find it useful to see the form in its entirety and make notes before completing the online form, please download the MS Word version. 


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