Radicalisation & Extremism
“Safeguarding children and young people from radicalisation is no different from safeguarding them from other forms of harm” The Prevent Strategy 2011
Children and young people may be at risk from exposure to materials or influences that support or endorse terrorism and extremism.
Local authorities and other public bodies, including schools, have a legal duty to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and to provide support via the Channel programme to people who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism.
The risks posed to children and young people by extremism are now included within the criteria for determining whether children and young people are in need of early help, specialist support or protection. If you are concerned about a child or young person at risk from radicalisation or extremism please follow the normal process for making a referral to Children’s Social Care. You can also contact the Lambeth Prevent Team for advice about a potential referral.
The Prevent legal duty should be reflected in every school's policies and practices. As a minimum, Designated Safeguarding Leads should have had Prevent training and all staff should know who to talk to if concerned. If you have questions about implementing Prevent in your institution, please contact the Lambeth Prevent Education Officer, Lydia Nixon.
Support and Resources
If a child is at immediate risk of significant harm, please dial 999.

Please call or email and follow up with a Multi-agency Referral Form. You can also seek advice from the Lambeth Prevent Team.

Contact the Lambeth Prevent Team for advice about a potential referral. And visit their website to find out more about the Prevent training programme.
Advice and resources for parents, teachers and school leaders to protect children from extremism and radicalisation.
Refer to the London Guidance for more information about safeguarding children against extremist ideology.
Visit the NSPCC Radicalisation pages for more information and resources.